survey|surveys in English


[sur·vey || sər'veɪ /sə']

act of measuring and recording the characteristics of a plot of land; land survey report (often in the form of a map); review, overview; statistical study

Use "survey|surveys" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "survey|surveys" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "survey|surveys", or refer to the context using the word "survey|surveys" in the English Dictionary.

1. Nine acoustic profile lines and # hoto survey lines were covered during the surveys

2. Information for survey participants › Current surveys – alphabetical list › Travel arrangement services › Frequently asked questions

3. Information for survey participants › Current surveys – alphabetical list › Sound Recording and Music Publishing Industry

4. Nine acoustic profile lines and 12 TV/Photo survey lines were covered during the surveys.

5. Cadastral Reference is the spatial grid of township, range, section, quarter-quarter lines, special surveys, mineral surveys or any line or corner established by a federal survey generally referred to as the Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

6. Aworth Survey Consultants is an industry leader in BIM, topographical surveys, measured building surveys, legal mapping, boundary disputes, monitoring, area calculations, and a wide range of

7. When the other surveys are referred to the German ground survey of 1982.5, the differences between it and almost all adjacent surveys are less than 10 nT.

8. The Sierra Aeromagnetic survey was acquired in 1994 by Questor Surveys Inc., a subsidiary of World Geoscience Corporation

9. Surveys are expensive because of the vast area involved. Weather conditions can prevent completion of a planned survey.

10. In addition to the decennial census, the Census Bureau continually conducts dozens of other censuses and surveys, including the American Community Survey, the U.S. Economic Census, and the Current Population Survey.

11. The amount of a locality-based Comparability increase is based on survey data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which surveys what non-Federal

12. Baseline: Morbidity, mortality and service utilization survey; Ministry of Public Health and Population administrative statistics; patient satisfaction surveys; situation analyses; field visit reports; qualitative studies

13. BackerKit is a Backer survey and data management platform that helps crowdfunding creators send surveys, sell add-ons and pre-orders, and manage Backer data for rewards fulfillment.

14. Http:// What is Aeromagnetic SURVEY? What does Aeromagnetic SURVEY mean? Aeromagnetic SURVEY meaning - Aeromagnetic SURVEY me

15. Aeromagnetic surveys are probably one of the most common types of airborne geophysical surveys.

16. Cadastral Survey is an operational program within the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior whose mission and focus includes: Performing legal boundary surveys for the Federal Government

17. Land and building surveys

18. Although the ASAMM survey team began photographing bowhead carcasses in only 2009, 30 prior years of visual ASAMM surveys showed no evidence of killer whale attacks on live Bowheads

19. (c) other relevant research, including surveys of abundance, biomass surveys, hydro-acoustic surveys, research on environmental factors affecting stock abundance, and oceanographic and ecological studies.

20. ◦ Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys:

21. Surveys offered at reasonable rates.

22. The specific aims include: advancing the methodological work on household surveys to measure migration and remittances; developing international recommendations; and developing a survey module or modules on migration and remittances.

23. The specific aims include: advancing the methodological work on household surveys to measure migration and remittances; developing international recommendations; and developing a survey module or modules on migration and remittances

24. Ground geophysical surveys are done over smaller areas and in more detail than airborne surveys.

25. In each of six Asian cities or periurban areas, a team randomly selected urban clusters for conducting standardized household surveys, neighbourhood background surveys and entomological surveys.